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Availability of Weimaraners (Short-Haired)

[Note] Wyoming is the name of the Mother/Dam for this litter.
The name of the Father/Sire for the WYG litter of puppies is Samson.
All Wyoming Pedigree puppies were born on March 30th 2017
All Wyoming Pedigree puppies will become available starting May 25th 2017
For larger and additional photos of any of the canines just click on the picture of interest in any below box.

Male Weimaraner (Short-Haired) Puppies

Identifier: WYG 5 (SOLD)
Color: Blue
Markings: No Markings

Identifier: WYG 6 (SOLD)
Color: Blue
Markings: No Markings.

Identifier: WYG 7 (SOLD)
Color: Blue
Markings: No Markings

Identifier: WYG 8 (SOLD)
Color: Blue
Markings: No Markings.

Female Weimaraner (Short-Haired) Puppies

Identifier: WYG 1 ($1,000)
Color: Blue
Markings: No Markings

Identifier: WYG 2 ($1,000)
Color: Blue
Markings: Medium White Marking on Chest.

Identifier: WYG 3 ($1,000)
Color: Blue
Markings: No Markings

Identifier: WYG 4 ($1,000)
Color: Blue
Markings: Medium White Marking on Chest.
This page was last updated May 29th 2017 Copyright © 2017 Blue Creek Kennel. All rights reserved.
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Then please send all such web-site inquiries to Malcolm@BlueCreekKennel.Com (Note : Malcolm is a «stage-name» that I use)
For the Owner/Operator/Head-Director of Blue Creek Kennel contact him here...: Bob@BlueCreekKennel.Com