Logo: Blue Creek Kennel

GR 2 ($1,000)
[ Breed: Vizsla | Gender: Female | Colour: Golden-Rust | Markings: No Markings ]
[ Pedigree: Ginger/Beu | Born: February 7th 2017 | Available: April 4th 2017 ]
[ Registration: Limited. Full Registration Available For an Additional $300 (Full Registration = Breeding Rights) ]
Photos of Puppy From May 5th of 2017

Photos of Puppy From Early March (10th) of 2017

Photos of Puppy Soon After Being Born (February 2017)

This page was last updated May 10th 2017 Copyright © 2017 Blue Creek Kennel. All rights reserved.
Need to contact the web-page editor? Broken links, inaccurate information, feedback to web-site, pages not displaying properly, etc?
Then please send all such web-site inquiries to Malcolm@BlueCreekKennel.Com (Note : Malcolm is a «stage-name» that I use)
For the Owner/Operator/Head-Director of Blue Creek Kennel contact him here...: Bob@BlueCreekKennel.Com